Donations Received - Printable Version

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Donations Received - MDx_Wayne - 12-10-2020

This will serve as the listing of donations received.
(Replies to this thread have been disabled.)
  • 27 NOV 2020  MDxWayne $10.00 (to test donation link)
  • 7 DEC 2020  TTM_SIDEWAYS1 $50.00
  • 16 DEC 2020  Trailblaze $60.00
  • 4 JAN 2021  TECH  $50.00
  • 3 NOV 2021 Dan T. $20.00
  • 6 DEC 2021 Joe A. $50.00
  • 10 DEC 2021 MDxWayne $20.00

  • Currently the Donations account has $260 in it, as of 12/10/21.  This represents the accumulated donations of the past two years.  It will cover this year's costs.  For the record, I covered last year.
All fees are now current.  The site is good until December of 2022.  Total costs came in about $275.