Why Do I Get ERROR Trying To Start MDX_RECORDER
GeoPy44 Is From Paraguay.... south america  And Was Getting Error When He Try To Start Recorder , He Also Is On Windows XP

[Image: successful install.jpg]
[Image: error message1.jpg]
[Image: error message2.jpg]

It Turns Out That In His Country Win XP C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Motocross Madness 2
Is Really C:\Arquivas de programas\Microsoft Games\Motocross Madness 2

[Image: c program.jpg]

And He Did Install Netdot Frame 1.1

[Image: netframe list.jpg]

In The Compatibility Make Sure You Have RUN AS ADMIN Box Checked

Messages In This Thread
RE: Why Do I Get ERROR Trying To Start MDX_RECORDER - by MDx_RACING - 08-06-2016, 08:45 PM

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