Poll: Would like to know whats your preferences of national tracks , about lap times .
1•Very long tracks (almost enduro , more than 3 minutes)
2•Long tracks (between 2 minutes and 3 minutes)
3•Medium tracks (between 1 minute and 2 minutes)
4•Short tracks (less than 1 minute)
5•Doesn't matter , all
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Poll . National tracks , Short - Very long lap times
I have here some tracks to finish (one day i will finish them loll  Big Grin ) , some are very long . 
I think a good solution for this is split them with 2 or 3 splines and release them as 2 or 3 different tracks. 

Two of them are almost done , textures , objects , vegetation are done , the only thing ithey need is the spline tho . 
I need to find good spots on the track to make 2 or 3 splines ,to make them "drivable"  and also that all the track is used , to dont waste some jumps , elevations etc...

Thats why i did this poll to know what every one thinks about lap times.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Poll . National tracks , Short - Very long lap times - by VRT_JPRLisbon_ - 05-10-2020, 10:14 AM

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