Why Do I Get ERROR Trying To Start MDX_RECORDER
If You Get A Error Please Take A Screen Shot Of The Error And Post It Here With What Windows System You Have.
On Windows XP You Need netframe 1.1 installed
On Windows 7-8-10 You Need To Right Click On MDX_RECORDER Icon , Properties,Compatibility Tab,Run As Windows XP And Check Run As ADMIN Box, Apply
Had ERROR and he is running Windows 10

[Image: recorder%20error1.jpg]
So I Had Him Right Click On MDX RECORDER Icon on desktop , Properties , Compatibility Tab , Check Box:Run This Program In Compatibility Mode.  Windows XP

Then He Got This ERROR

[Image: recorder%20error2.jpg]
XPR_TECH Has Windows 10 And He Suggested That Wippel92 Needed To Install Dotnet 1.1

Now Wippel92 Is Recording His Lap Times At Site But Said He Had To Restart Recorder After Each Recording.
Does the Recorder continue if he clicks on "CONTINUE"? from error message
If You Were Already Running The Recorder With No Problem And Now You Get A Error Trying To Start Recorder It Might Be That You Are Not Register Here At Forum,
On 7-5-16 I Moved Old Login/Registration Database To This Forum Data Base And Now The Recorder Is Looking Here For Your MCM2 Username And Password.
GeoPy44 Is From Paraguay.... south america  And Was Getting Error When He Try To Start Recorder , He Also Is On Windows XP

[Image: successful install.jpg]
[Image: error message1.jpg]
[Image: error message2.jpg]

It Turns Out That In His Country Win XP C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Motocross Madness 2
Is Really C:\Arquivas de programas\Microsoft Games\Motocross Madness 2

[Image: c program.jpg]

And He Did Install Netdot Frame 1.1

[Image: netframe list.jpg]

In The Compatibility Make Sure You Have RUN AS ADMIN Box Checked

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