MCM2 Install On Win 7 - 8.1 -10
Windows 7 - 8.1 - 10 ( I havnt Done This With Win 10 But Was Told It Is The Same Setup )

First Make Sure You Have All Your Updates And The Newest Video Drivers.
Install Game To C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Motocross Madness 2 ,after install close the setup/install.

copy and pasted the no-cd helment to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Motocross Madness 2 folder.( This Is So You Dont Need CD To Play Game)

right click on mcm2 helmet icon on desk top , properties,compatibility tab ,check the box: run this program in compatibilty mode for: scroll below to windows XP (service pack 2 or 3) then apply.
copy and pasted d3drm.dll to C:\Windows\System32 and C:\Windows\SysWOW64.( This Is For directplay/directx issues )

copy and pasted Eco.res,GLOBAL.res from TD_MXU_RES_files to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Motocross Madness 2\RES folder.( This Is So You Can Race The Downloaded Tracks)


This Work For Me on Win 8.1 Without Doing The Next Steps But On Win 7 I Had To Do The Next Step

see if game opens

 if not you might need to go to  "MSCONFIG > Boot > Advanced Options" Check the "Maximum memory:" box and set the maximum amount.
1. Run MSConfig.
2. Click on "Boot" tab
3. Select the boot option you want (if you have multiple OS's) then click "Advanced Options"
4. Check "Maximum memory"
5. Enter 2048
6. Close MSConfig applying your changes and reboot.

To put it back do the same thing and uncheck "Maximum memory"
Then reboot.

then try game again.
If Not then.(I Didnt Do This Cause I Was Able To Get It To Work With a Win 7 Desk Top and A Win 7 and Win 8.1 Lap Tops)

go to start>run and type in regedit and press enter
if you are using vista or 7 then click start and type regedit into the search box and press enter

On the left hand side navigate through the following:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>SOFTWARE>Wow6432Node (thats what it is for me)>Microsoft>Microsoft Games>Motocross Madness 2 > DriverInfo and double click the one starting with a bunch of zeros.

Now after you have navigated there on the right hand panel you should see a file named diabled hardware. Double click that file and a window will popup. Just type the nuber 0 and hit enter. Close out of regedit and run the game

now and you will see the window.

Run mcm2 with dgvoodoo :

If you want play mcm2 in windows 7 with a card that dont work with that trick ^^^^^^ , you need use dgVoodoo , works fine but theres one problem :
The dirt in mcm2 will look ugly , yes ugly , the dirt detail particles will not showup , all dirt will look washed-out lolll
Maybe the guy that did dgvoodoo can fix that in the future , some one need send him a email lol

How install dgVoodoo :!

Dege said : "Also, Motocross Madness and Jeff Gordon XS Racing are fixed as well."
But the dirt still need be fixed  , or he means mcm1 ?

Right-now , if you want the pretty dirt in mcm2 you need use XP sp2 or sp3 and a video card that its not very new tho .
Some new CPU's have a video card integrated too (intel HD grafics), looks like mcm2 works ok with dose too (intel hd grafics are not very powerfull for games) .
Windows 7, 8, 6.1, 10 and MCM2.

here are a few tips on how to get MCM2 to run on the operating system above.

1. After installing MCM2 on your computer/ Laptop. first of all right click on MCM2 go down to properties and open it up,

Left click on Compatibility this opens a box, go to bottom of box where it says change settings for all users. Open this box it will bring up another bo, click on the Compatibility mode, and set it to run as Windows XP service pack 3. I have heard of some people not seeing this. if this happens set it to run as windows 7 compatibility Mode. At the bottom of the box where it says Run this program in compatibility tick this box. Then close both boxes.

This all you need to do as far as MCM2 is concerned, there is no need to change how much memory to use. I know people are saying to limit memory for MCM2 to 2048 megabyte, MCM2 runs quite happily with 16gb. At this point MCM2 will not run.

2. Now you need to download a program called dgvoodoo, I believe it is on MDxracing web site. Unzip programme this will add setup and 2 folders one called MS and another called Voodoo, I will explain those folders later. Run dgvoodoo.exe and follow instructions once setup there are now 2 things you need to do. Download and install d3drm.dll from either MCM2revival or MDxracing websites and install. Now from the MS directory, copy and paste to MCM2 directory.

You are now ready ready to play MCM2.

On first run of MCM2 it will come up with a box which says you will need to install directplay, Click on yes and install, AS you have installed DGvoodoo, this now over rides graphics drivers and will bring up a black screen while testing video, you can alt tab out and let it start MCM2. ( I have found that some times MCM2 will not run ). if this happens reinstall MCM2, so best to only install basic MCM2.

MCM2 will now run. When you first play MCM2 you will find that textures on track are blurred and definition is not very good. ( you need to remember that dgvoodoo is a simulation program )

Now that you have it working you can install software to run the user created tracks.

3. To run the MDxracing program, download and unzip. Run the setup file and install this will then bring up a box asking for your MCM2 profile name and password, insert those and click on install button, this should open the MDx recorder ready for use. If it comes up with an error saying that it needs dotnetfx 1.1 you can download and install. once installed run the recorder again this will now run. If not all you need to do is reboot PC/Laptop. recorder will now work.

You Now have MCM2, Mdx recorder working, good luck and have fun.

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